2013년 3월 24일 일요일

Copy of the draft letter to United Planet Organization

I am an university student in Chongshin University, Korea. I was very intersted at your mission. I have read the goal and informations from the website. I believe that if a person is in university, he or she has to experience serving in other countries. As I was searching for the organizations, I found your team and it catched my attention. I read that you help people who are not part of the world to participate and teach them to be the citizens of the world. That's such a great work! I hope to be part of your team.
I have two questions to ask. Are there seminar or workshops before going out to other nations? If yes, when is it? Another question is that, what kind of results have you seen so far?

Hope to hear from you soon.

One intersting I did this week!

One interesting that I did this week was going to LG contest exhibit presentation. Some seniors and I are currently working on university contest exhibit that's holding in LG. We have our goal. That is getting in to the top ten and going to Europe. To prepare well, we first need to see the presentation of previous contestants who actually won the contest and went to abroad. So, my team went to Choong Ang University and saw presentations. It was very interesting and it motivated me to work hard on my theme. The presentators talked about some funny stories they had while preparing for the contest and gave great informations that would be very useful to us. At the end they received some questions. My team did not lose the chance and asked 3 questions. I think of all the people who asked, we said the most. So they gave us free books about the challenge. I enjoyed being there. It made me feel like I am a college student. Now I am going to do my best in school work and also the challenge.

Blog lists that I have seen


3 organizations

Organization 1:
Web adress: www.unitedplanet.org/mission
Name of organization: United Planet
Type of volunteer/mission work: Help people of all cultures, nationalities, ages, and socio-economic classes to participate worldwide.
Destination: Asia, Americas, Africa, Europe, Middle East
Cost to participate: for 1 week to 12 weeks, prices start at 995$
2 Questions: What's the main goal of the mission?/ What kind of results have you seen so far?

Organization 2:
Web adress: www.globalfrontiermissions.org
Name of organization: GFM- Global Frontier Missions
Type of volunteer/mission work: They are dedicated to mobilize, train, and multiply disciples and churches to the unreached people groups of the world.
Destination: Thailand, South Asia, etc.
Cost to participate: Untold
2 Questions: How much is the cost?/What can I learn from Missionary training schools?

Organization 3:
Web adress: www.sim.org
Name of organization: SIM
Type of volunteer/mission work: Thrive/ Evangelize the unreached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches, equip churches to fulfill Christ's commission.
Destination: Africa, Europe, Americas, Asia Pacific
Cost to participate: Untold

I think united planet, the first organization does the most useful work. They help outsiders to participate in the world.
However I think that I can do best in SIM. They teach the bible.

2013년 3월 12일 화요일

About myself

Hello, readers:)
I am going to start my blog by introducing my self to you.
My name is Hannah Lee and 20 years old. I was born in South Korea, so my mother language is of course Korean. I love doing anything with sport. I enjoy watching, playing, and even cheering. I can confidently say that my body is in fit. I am majoring in English Education in Chongshing University. I love my school and my friends! Alright, so far I talked about just general information of myself. Now I am going to write 5 interesting facts about myself. First, I lived in Cambodia for seven years. My parents are missionaries in Cambodia, so my family moved there and resided for seven years. This is not a normal story, so I think it can be one of my interesting facts. Second, I can speak three languages, Korean, Khmer, and English. Because Korean is my first language, I learned it automatically. While living in Cambodia, I attended International School. There, I could learn English and Khmer very easily. Third, I have lots of friends from many different countries. I have friends in Australian, England, America, Canada, Cambodia, Nigeria, Spain, France, China, etc. Learning in International School gave me many friends who have different culture from me. Fourth, I can play basketball and other sports well. I played in soccer team, basketball team and hockey team at previous school. So unlike other girls, I am not afraid of balls and love sweating while playing sport. Fifth, I am a children of God. This is one fact I want to boast about. Jesus died on the cross for me and predestined to save me. Therefore, I became his child and decided to live for Him. I have talked about five interesting facts about myself. Do they sound interesting enough to you?